1.Get these stuffs
- BeagleBoneBlack board
- LAN Cable + Wifi network hub
- USB hub
- USB harddisk or other usb media drive.
- Your PC
- Android Phone
2. Put everything together.
3. Next step, setup the software,
- Install Ubuntu on BeagleBoneBlack -> http://playwithbbb.blogspot.jp/2014/08/run-ubuntu-on-beagleboneblack.html
- Install Vim for edit config file ( I personally familiar with VIM)
- Install Mediatomb for MediaServer.
- Setup mediatomb as you wish. Using vim to edit /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
Enable Web Interface ->
<ui enabled="yes" show-tooltips="yes">
Allowing Accounts ->
<accounts enabled="no" session-timeout="30">
Change port and interface by adding these lines after server tag ->
Save config file and exit
4.Mount the usb harddisk at /media
$sudo mount /dev/sdXX /media
5.Restart mediatomb
$sudo /etc/init.d/mediatomb restart
6.On PC, Open web browser and enter http://<BBB ip address> : 49154
7.Login to mediatomb with it's web interface (Username: mediatomb ,Password:mediatomb)
8.Add media you want to play to database
9.Next, Connect to play media with your media player (In my case, I using VLC)
- Open Play list and select UPNP(Universal Plug and Play) on Local network.
- Then the play list should appeared.Enjoy the music !!
10. For Android phone, I using Upnplay app to do the same job.